The 9 Effective Ways to Walk to Burn Body Fat Faster

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Increase your speed

Focus on walking quickly while also keeping your arms in the proper positions, your posture straight, and your stride strong.

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Add time and distance

Gradually increase the distance each day. Take a couple more walks than you did the day before.

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Add intervals

The more quickly you walk, the more intervals you may add in which you pick up the pace for a certain amount of time or distance before descending at a slower pace.

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Use walking poles

Walking with trekking or walking poles lessens the sense of exertion, increases stability, and works the upper and lower bodies.

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Avoid walking with weights

Walking while lifting weights might actually slow you down and reduce the amount of calories you burn.

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Mix and match

The best walks to reduce stress when walking are those that are more contemplative and focused.

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Other methods

If you want to increase your rate of fat burning, using a treadmill or simply going for a stroll outside might be excellent options.

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Warm up

You can walk at a comfortable, leisurely pace for five to ten minutes as a warm-up, and then progressively pick up the pace.

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Look out for some good music

You quicken your tempo in sync with the speed of your song. In essence, you time your steps to the rhythms.